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Edge Extension development for ChatGPT prompt library for enterprise usage

Tarjouspyyntö ilmoitettu: 7.3.2023 | Budjetti: 1000 - 2000 € | Avainsanat: Web ja ohjelmointi

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Tämä on Nerot.fi -palveluun jätetty tarjouspyyntö. Jätä tarjouspyyntö omasta työstäsi. Välitämme sen ilmaiseksi 8512 kotimaiselle alan mainostoimistolle ja freelancerille.

Tarjouspyynnön kuvaus

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Background of the project
We are 100+ employees and we are using ChatGPT for different purposes in our roles.

Purpose of the project: The purpose of the project is to create a simple UI for ChatGPT prompts library to be accessed as an Edge (Browser) extension.

This will be used by all employees of the organization. The extension should open automatically when the user goes to chatGPT link (openAI). The application should give an interface to read, write, modify and categorize the prompts. (for .e.g. ChatGPT PromptGenius)

This extension will be published as a custom extension for the enterprise (through Microsoft Group Policy Object)

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